You may likely share this thought with me, that Barack Obama is one of the world’s iconic figures. His policies as the 44th President of the United States of America may not have resonated well with you, but he had an alluring finesse. One leadership feature that endeared him to like-minded people was his sheer embrace of unity in diversity. Barack believed in the power of the people. He valued individual identities, thoughts, and opinions.
An excerpt from his farewell speech reads, “This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged, and they come together to demand it.” He echoed Atticus Finch, saying, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Only a leader who is a ‘leading servant’ understands that the power to lead is given and made meaningful by the people. Kofi Annan was another of such figures.
The Governor of Ebonyi State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Francis OgbonnaNwifuru is one leader, whose disposition points to the same direction. I have been privileged to serve him while he was Speaker of the State House of Assembly. His sincere and humble knowledge that he was only a Chief Servant of his peers, kept the House solid, peaceful, and productive for the entire 8 years of his reign as the Chief Lawmaker of Ebonyi State.
Fast-forward to his time as Governor, the story is not different. Irrespective of the powers of the Governor, he never makes any solitary decision without calling for intensive, robust, and meaningful contributions from members of his cabinet. Again, irrespective of his interest, he would always put it before the State Executive Council, seeking higher understanding, and calling for superior reasoning before any decision is made. He has not allowed the office to sway him. He does not flip over documents shabbily, NO. He carefully reads through and in between lines and calls for diverse reactions. As always, the higher reasoning takes the day. This is why today, no Ministry is moribund in Ebonyi State. Every one of them is alive and active – meeting the NEEDS of EBONYI PEOPLE.
And so, we have a Chief Servant in Governor Francis Nwifuru – a rare kind of leader who values and implements the opinion of his people and not what he wants. Even outside the Council, he reads varied opinions of Ebonyi people online and collates the required data for decision-making. He is gradually pitching himself amongst some of the best leaders there are. He has demystified Governance and he understands that meaningful change only happens when ordinary people get involved.
Long may it continue.